The answers to commonly asked IET related questions.

General Questions

It is a service approach that provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement.

Yes. All programs must complete and submit the IET Request Application for review an approval by the FDOE.

Glossary of Terms

Some commonly used acronyms and terms.

  • ABE - Adult Basic Education
  • AGE - Adult General Education
  • AHS - Adult High School
  • APL - Adult Performance Level
  • ASB - Academic Skills Building
  • CBO - Community Based Organization
  • CTE - Career & Technical Education
  • DOC - Department of Corrections
  • EFF - Equipped for the Future
  • ELL - English Language Learner
  • ELP - English Language Proficiency
  • ESOL - English Speakers of Other Languages
  • FDOE - Florida Department of Education
  • IELCE - Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education
  • IET - Integrated Education & Training
  • LMI - Labor Market Information
  • MCL - Master Credential List
  • MSG - Measurable Skills Gain
  • OCP - Occupational Completion Points
  • PD - Professional Development
  • WD - Workforce Development